
Food establishments have unique requirements for hygiene, safety, and durability. Therefore, choosing the right flooring is of great importance in the food industry.

At Avind, we understand the importance and impact of flooring in the food industry. With our polyurethane, epoxy, and acrylic materials, we make the floors of food establishments more hygienic, durable, and safe.

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Products Used

Avind SBR - 2.1

Avind SBR

Avind SBR

Système d'intérieur en PU

Avind IN

Avind IN - Système d'intérieur en PU


Avind AC

Avind AC - Revêtement Acrylique

Avind 2L - Surface Tartan

Avind 2L

Avind 2L - Surface Tartan



    • Hygiene: Easily cleanable and disinfectable, ensuring food safety and protecting the health of customers and employees.
    • Safety: Slip-resistant flooring increases the safety of employees and customers.
    • Durability: Provides long-term durability, reducing maintenance costs.
    • Aesthetics: Helps customers have a positive impression of your establishment.
    • Wayfinding: Can be used to mark routes and direct traffic.

Questions Fréquemment Posées

1.Why is it important for flooring in food establishments to be slip-resistant?

Slip-resistant flooring in food establishments increases the safety of employees and customers. There is a risk of slipping on oily or water-filled floors, and this can lead to accidents. Slip-resistant flooring reduces the risk of falls, ensuring safety within the establishment.

2.How should flooring in food establishments be cleaned and how often?

Flooring in food establishments should be cleaned regularly. Generally, daily cleaning procedures, dusting, quick cleaning of stains, and regular disinfection are necessary.

3.What is the importance of flooring in terms of hygiene in the food industry?

Hygiene is a critical factor for customer health and safety in food establishments. Proper flooring should be easily cleanable and disinfectable. This protects food safety and business hygiene.

4.What are the most suitable flooring options for food establishments?

The most suitable flooring for food establishments is evaluated in terms of hygiene, durability, and safety. Synthetic flooring types such as epoxy coatings, polyurethane coatings, and acrylic coatings are generally preferred. These coatings are hygienic, easy to clean, and have slip-resistant properties.

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